Judging by the warning on the BBC weather web site, anyone venturing out on their bike was in for some really bad conditions. However, knowing that there was very likely to be any number* of fellow members at the Angel Café at 12 noon, I felt it incumbent on me not to let them down by wimping out.
Weather warnings notwithstanding, I set out with plenty of time to go. Epic is not the word to describe my ride, mainly because it wasn’t any such thing. As so often is the case when expecting bad weather, my ride was a bit blustery and it did drizzle a bit, but on the whole I was able to ride without a waterproof on. It started to drizzle about 3 miles from Sherston and at that point, I donned my water proof. I took my time and had to take care because some of the roads were fairly muddy, nothing really dangerous though. Although I had left fairly early, the route I had set myself took slightly longer to complete than anticipated and, unfortunately I arrived a bit late at the café. Somehow I managed to miss the other riders! Never mind! I had a very enjoyable coffee and cake and went on my way. In all I managed just under 30 miles, well worth the effort, if you ask me.
And there was no puddle under my seat when I left the café.
*any number includes zero in this case.
Where did you get that picture of me?
ReplyDeleteI thought you might like it!