Tuesday, 4 November 2014

News Round-Up

Saturday Club Rides

On Saturday we were delighted to extend a very warm Clarion welcome to Steve, Heather and their son Ewan for their first ride with us. We look forward to many more outings with them.

Steve and Heather were riding their tandem, making a valuable addition to our varied and interesting stable of bikes.

Two groups rode to the Wickwar Coffee Shop. The return journey is one of our hillier rides and so this Saturday's excursion to the Allington Farm Shop, just outside of Chippenham, is a timely counter-balance, as both routes there and back are very flat.

The calendar page on the website has the Garmin links which are ready for viewing and downloading. As far as possible, we intend to maintain a programme of rides and if you use the below link you'll be able to see where we're heading over the next few weeks.



After Howard led the way with his pioneer blogging, the blog in its current form came to life on 9th November 2013. With the anniversary fast approaching, I thought you might be interested in some facts and figures from the last year. (If this doesn't send you off to sleep, then nothing will). 

Including this one, there have been 90 blog updates to clutter your tidy in-boxes and these have generated 4,959 page views. Reviews of rides are by far the most read with news round-ups and forthcoming events coming a poor second and third. The all-time best read review (60 times) was the one covering Tim H's 103 mile ride in August.

If anyone fancies a spot of blogging, please email your thoughts to me and I'll happily post them on the blog. As long as they're cycling related, then virtually anything goes.

Mid-week Daytime Ride

Just a reminder that the second mid-week ride takes place on Thursday after the roaring success of the first.

To keep things simple the destination will be the same every week and the time to arrive there will be the same too. For now the idea is to meet  at The Angel CafĂ© in Sherston at 12.00 noon for coffee, or if you feel like it, lunch. They are very cyclist friendly and bikes can be parked safely.
It is not intended that we meet up before at a particular time to ride there together, more that we arrive at the destination at the same time. So how you get there and how far you go is up to you. If you want to arrange to meet others to form a group, that is up to you too. Keeping the destination close allows those who haven’t got much time to still pop out to join the fun. Also if the weather turns unfavourable we will not be far from home.

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