Tuesday 16 February 2016

Weekly Roundup

Five Clarions: Des D, Phil, Steve K, Tim H and me (Tim W), plus a guest rider, George from Performance Cycles, took to the road on Wednesday evening. Heading northwards, we found the ford at Tetbury in full flow. Running fast and deep, we all took the footpath without any hesitation. 

This course is very much a ride of two halves. The first, up to Kingscote via Tetbury and Chavenage, has a number of technical challenges. With Peter C away on business, we lacked the sort of illumination he normally provides. The second, is a glorious gradual descent, often wind-assisted, along Bowldown Road to Westonbirt, and then back to Malmesbury via Shipton Moyne. 

If you've yet to experience the thrill of a ride in the dark with the Knight Riders, then come and give it a go. 

Saturday's light, but persistent rain, again sabotaged the club ride. Four brave souls: Dave, Peter C, Steve C and Steve M, were undeterred. They enjoyed an excursion to Cafe 53 at Tetbury, and returned to Malmesbury via Long Newnton, Crudwell, Hankerton and Charlton.

A few fine days during the week, but then turning for the worse at the weekend, seems to be a common theme at the moment. Surely we must be due some decent weather on a Saturday soon. At this rate, we'll never reach The Canteen at Nailsworth.

Baked beans on toast served at Kemble Village Hall

There could be no complaints about the weather on Sunday though for Chippenham Wheelers annual Flapjack 102km Audax.

Steve K, George and me rode over to the New Inn at Upper Seagry, where we met up with Phil Moody and Simon Vannerley from the Sherston Velos. 

I've previously blogged the 2014, which was my first ever Audax event, and 2015 Flapjacks, and so I'll keep things very brief this time.

Having ridden the 2015 solo, it was good to have some company. I was interested to learn of Simon's plans to ride the LEL (London, Edinburgh, London) Audax in 2017. It's held once every four years. Entrants have 5 days to ride the 1400km, which in old money, is 869 miles. This works out at 173.8 miles per day. Whichever way you look at it, that's an incredible task. I'll be following Simon's progress with a keen eye, as between now and 30th July 2017, he increases his mileage in preparation.

We rode most of the course together. Phil and Steve K certainly seemed to enjoy the day, and will hopefully be back for more Audaxing soon.

This spot of road in Malmesbury seems to be causing cyclists and motorists a few problems. Its developed a very smooth surface and when the temperature drops, it takes on a lethal sheen. A hairdresser working at Clear Cut (in the corner on the right hand side) has seen a number of cyclists crash to the ground and there are reports of motor cars skidding at this location too. 

George came a cropper rounding the corner, whilst travelling from the direction of the High Street towards Abbey Row, and ended up with some nasty abrasions.

Sand or grit was spread at the scene, but this was soon washed away by all of the rain.

And finally, a quick reminder of some important dates in addition to the usual club rides:

Thursday 18th February 2016 - Club AGM at Malmesbury Town Hall, 7.30pm.
Saturday 27th February 2016 - Members only 4th birthday ride with free cake, leaving from outside of the Town Hall at 10.00am.
Sunday 28th February 2016 - Members only Sunday Series ride, leaving from outside of the Town Hall at 9.00am. (50 to 55 miles on a mostly flat course)


  1. I had a similar slip going the other way a few months ago and put it down to a diesel spill but I could be wrong on that. Do we need to tell anyone?

  2. My first thoughts were that there must have been a diesel spill, but now I'm inclined to think that the problem is the road surface itself.

  3. Surface moisture iceing over perhaps? Local Council needs to be informed , their liability !

  4. Will have to be aware Thursday when I ride down for AGM. First time on a bike for 18days !

  5. If it's any help Mike, I think I might have some old stabilisers you could borrow!

  6. Great effort everyone on the saturday and evening rides. Too cold for me I'm afraid but this Saturday is looking better. Hopefully.

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