Sunday, 28 February 2016

Weekly Roundup

The Wednesday evening Knight Rider session seems to be attracting quite a following. This week was no exception with 8 riders from 3 different cycling clubs: Peter C, Phil, Simon S and Steve K from the Clarions, Mark and Graham from Sherston Velo's and George from Performance Cycles, plus a guest who is currently working in Malmesbury during the week, and returning home at the weekend.

The popular Kingscote course was ridden, with some fearless cyclists opting to tackle the ford at Tetbury rather than taking the pathway.

(Click once to enlarge the pictures)

Saturday's 4th birthday event was a huge success. We might have fallen 1 short of last year's 21 riders, but everyone this time was a member, whereas last year we had 4 guests, which in my book, means a record number of members participated.

In alphabetical order they were: Alice, Andy Poolman, Dave, Des D, Heather, Howard, Karine, Ken, Malc, Mike P, Peter B, Peter C, Phil, Simon L, Simon S, Steve C, Steve K, Sue, Tim H and Tim W.

Peter B made a welcome return after his enforced absence. (No, we didn't ban him, it was following his unfortunate accident whilst mountain biking).

11 of us set about recreating Howard's Garmin picture of a three-leaf clover. Our brief was to arrive at The Angel Tearoom by 11.30am, but a couple of 'incidents' along the way meant a little pruning was required. Not that we needed to have worried, as we just managed to pip those on the more direct route, whom I understand had some 'incidents' of their own.

Howard seeks divine intervention from above 

With phase 1 of the operation successfully completed, Howard took to the floor and thanked members for their attendance.

Ably assisted by Sue, Howard skillfully sliced our wonderful birthday cake and distributed the portions. With plenty to go around, there was enough for seconds, and carry-outs, for some of those who couldn't be with us.

Members will already be aware that the cake was bought with club funds, but what most won't know, because that isn't his style, is that Andy Poolman kindly paid for all of our hot drinks. On behalf of everyone, thank you Andy for your generosity!

Suitably refreshed, we assembled outside for a team photograph. All that remained afterwards, was to ride home in our various groupings. Those taking the longer route made a bit of a deviation rendering our clover leaf completely unrecognisable. 

If you take a look at the profile picture on our twitter account and also the banner image on the website's home page, you'll see that we have a smart new picture of members outside of The Angel.

Sunday saw 5 members (Andy Poolman, Peter C, Phil, Steve K and me, Tim W) undertake the 54 mile round trip, to The Ox House at Northleach. This was the second outing in the 2016 Sunday Series. 

After Poulton, the course gently rises. Combined with a perky headwind, this meant that we had to work a little harder than we might have preferred, but we still managed to arrive at our intended destination just as the bells chimed for eleven o'clock. 

Bacon rolls made the perfect Sunday morning accompaniment to our hot drinks. If I'm any judge of bacon, I'd say it was a good quality cut of meat. There were plenty of rashers, and cooked just the way I'd ordered. 

With the wind now behind us, we made good progress on the return leg, and on schedule, returned to Malmesbury around 1.30pm.

The next excursion will be at the end of March when the mileage will rise to somewhere between 65 and 70 miles. The format of increasing the distance and difficulty is designed to help members reach the ultimate goal of cycling 120 miles on our last outing. All members are welcome, and you can take as much or as little time, as you want to complete the ride. Further details will be available nearer the time.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Weekly Roundup

The wet and windy weather continues to play havoc with our cycling. Wednesday evening's Knight Rider session didn't go ahead, although to his credit, Peter C did ride to the Town Hall to see if there were any other takers.

The weather forecast for this Wednesday looks much more promising, and should make for a great evening ride. Departure, as per usual, will be at 6.30pm.

Thursday's first Annual General Meeting was extremely well attended with 17 members filling the Hobbes Parlour at the Town Hall.

I'm in the process of typing up the minutes for the meeting, and these should be available soon. In the meantime, for the benefit of those who were unable to be present, the following is Howard's Chairman's Report:

Chairman’s/Secretary’s Report February 2016

  1.Introduction and welcome.

Thank you for attending this our first AGM. Up until now it hasn’t been considered necessary to have an AGM, but it seems Nation Clarion now want us to have one. So here it is.

  2. Brief History.

I think that it is worth a quick look at the past. Our club started approximately four years ago when, riding regularly together on a Saturday, Tim H, Dave and I decided to formalise these outings and form a club. Malmesbury, it seemed to me, was big enough to support at least one traditional cycling club and following information I gleaned from a Cycling Weekly article about starting a club within the Nation Clarion, we set up our own section – thus the ‘Clarion’ in Malmesbury Clarion Cycling club.

A chance meeting with Mike Powell found us recruiting our first member and with the co-option of various members’ spouses, we were up and running. Since then our club has grown slowly but steadily.

A significant development and a boost to the club’s profile has been the web site and well-read blog. Several enquires have come our way via the web’s contact page. Thanks to (Tim W and George W.)

This year has seen other major developments on the administrative side. We have a committee of 4, have written a constitution, a code of conduct, opened a bank account and swapped our insurance provider from British Cycling to the CTC.
  3.Member numbers.

At the end of 2012, our first year, we had about 14 members and were happy with those numbers.  By December 2015, our membership had swelled to 40 and currently including renewals this year, our membership stands at 30.
Reasons for the reduction in numbers include – mainly members moving away, joining new clubs and work.

It should be noted that at no time has the club advertised or promoted itself so I believe that our numbers remain healthy.
  4.Club activities. 

The mainstay of any traditional cycling club is its weekend social ride and our club has adopted this tradition. Our Saturday ride has become very successful. It is not unknown for up to 50% of the club membership to turn up. We now provide 3 separate rides to cater for all abilities. Each group attempts to get to the café stop at the same time. We have a list of some dozen café stops adding variety to the rides. Some are more popular than others! Rides are usually between 30 and 40 miles.

Our monthly Sunday ride series is, I think, growing in popularity and is undergoing development following the promotion of a new management team. (Thanks Mike G and Tim W.)

The Wednesday ride, initially started by Tim H, is currently looked after by Peter C. Thanks to both for starting and keeping this ride going.  It should be noted that this ride has continued throughout the dark months and all weather conditions. Well done to all the dedicated members participating.

Whilst not a group ride, the Thursday meeting at the Angel Café in Sherston remains popular especially, it must be said, in the summer.

It is pleasing to note that Malmesbury Clarion members are involved in a range of cycling activities outside those put on by our club. Members are riding audax, sportives and training with other, local cycling clubs. Hopefully rocking our club colours at the same time.
  5.Future developments.

Members seem to be happy with what our club offers, however there are opportunities to expand the club if we wished. Possible ideas for the future: a) introducing a monthly family ride, b) a monthly Sunday ride to a pub for lunch, c) organise an open event such as the CTC's triennial 100 mile ride, d) organise some form of competition/s within the club, and on a more political note e) become independent from the National Clarion.

However, all these things are for future discussion and there are no specific demands from current members at the moment.

Overall then, a successful year and much to build on if we so please.

Saturday's ride was another weather-affected affair. The morning started dry and blustery, but shortly after Howard, Tim H, Steve M and me (Tim W) arrived at the revamped Canteen at Nailsworth, it began to rain. For a while it looked as though we might have to enjoy our drinks and cake standing, but a table became available just in time.

The return leg was mostly wind-assisted and the light rain meant we returned home just a little damp, rather than soaking wet. At Long Newnton, we passed a number of Audax riders cycling in the opposite direction, who were taking part in the Malmesbury Mash 200km event. The brave souls had around 60 miles left before they would reach Cardiff, and all against a very strong headwind.

Peter outside the Ox House, Northleach

My intention had been to open up a new frontier for this Sunday's ride, with an outing to the Caen Hill Cafe at Devizes, overlooking the flight of locks on the Kennet and Avon Canal. I was keen to keep us off of the A342, as much as possible, but when I road-tested the planned course on Sunday, I discovered that in some cases, what I thought were roads, were actually nothing more than dirt tracks.

Fortunately, there is a plan B. Given that only Mike G, Peter C and me were able to make the trip to the Ox House at Northleach in December, we're heading there instead. The complete course is 54.2 miles and has an elevation gain of only 2,006 feet. We will be leaving at the earlier time of 9.00am. 

All members are welcome. Pace wise, I'm more than happy to keep anyone company who isn't looking for a particularly energetic trip. Otherwise, we should be back in Malmesbury to eat our roast dinners by 1.30pm.

You can see and download the route from here.

An early notification that the Cyclists Church Service will take place at 2.30pm on Sunday 10th April 2016, at St Andrews Church in the Market Place, Castle Combe.

This event has taken place every year since 27th May 1945. It is a celebration of cycling and a service of thanksgiving for the men in cycling battalions who fell in the Great War and for the many cyclist soldiers, commandos and paratroopers who did not return from World War 2.

The Castle Combe church service, like the services held in May on the village green at Meridian, the centre of England, and at Coxwold, a few miles north of York, is now a memorial service and an informal, ecumenical gathering especially for today's cyclists in the West Country.

The service will be followed by tea and cake served in the church.

There has already been some strong interest in the club riding out to Castle Combe and taking its place alongside the other local clubs and cyclists. More details will be published nearer the date, but in the meantime, if the idea appeals to you, please let the committee know.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Weekly Roundup

Five Clarions: Des D, Phil, Steve K, Tim H and me (Tim W), plus a guest rider, George from Performance Cycles, took to the road on Wednesday evening. Heading northwards, we found the ford at Tetbury in full flow. Running fast and deep, we all took the footpath without any hesitation. 

This course is very much a ride of two halves. The first, up to Kingscote via Tetbury and Chavenage, has a number of technical challenges. With Peter C away on business, we lacked the sort of illumination he normally provides. The second, is a glorious gradual descent, often wind-assisted, along Bowldown Road to Westonbirt, and then back to Malmesbury via Shipton Moyne. 

If you've yet to experience the thrill of a ride in the dark with the Knight Riders, then come and give it a go. 

Saturday's light, but persistent rain, again sabotaged the club ride. Four brave souls: Dave, Peter C, Steve C and Steve M, were undeterred. They enjoyed an excursion to Cafe 53 at Tetbury, and returned to Malmesbury via Long Newnton, Crudwell, Hankerton and Charlton.

A few fine days during the week, but then turning for the worse at the weekend, seems to be a common theme at the moment. Surely we must be due some decent weather on a Saturday soon. At this rate, we'll never reach The Canteen at Nailsworth.

Baked beans on toast served at Kemble Village Hall

There could be no complaints about the weather on Sunday though for Chippenham Wheelers annual Flapjack 102km Audax.

Steve K, George and me rode over to the New Inn at Upper Seagry, where we met up with Phil Moody and Simon Vannerley from the Sherston Velos. 

I've previously blogged the 2014, which was my first ever Audax event, and 2015 Flapjacks, and so I'll keep things very brief this time.

Having ridden the 2015 solo, it was good to have some company. I was interested to learn of Simon's plans to ride the LEL (London, Edinburgh, London) Audax in 2017. It's held once every four years. Entrants have 5 days to ride the 1400km, which in old money, is 869 miles. This works out at 173.8 miles per day. Whichever way you look at it, that's an incredible task. I'll be following Simon's progress with a keen eye, as between now and 30th July 2017, he increases his mileage in preparation.

We rode most of the course together. Phil and Steve K certainly seemed to enjoy the day, and will hopefully be back for more Audaxing soon.

This spot of road in Malmesbury seems to be causing cyclists and motorists a few problems. Its developed a very smooth surface and when the temperature drops, it takes on a lethal sheen. A hairdresser working at Clear Cut (in the corner on the right hand side) has seen a number of cyclists crash to the ground and there are reports of motor cars skidding at this location too. 

George came a cropper rounding the corner, whilst travelling from the direction of the High Street towards Abbey Row, and ended up with some nasty abrasions.

Sand or grit was spread at the scene, but this was soon washed away by all of the rain.

And finally, a quick reminder of some important dates in addition to the usual club rides:

Thursday 18th February 2016 - Club AGM at Malmesbury Town Hall, 7.30pm.
Saturday 27th February 2016 - Members only 4th birthday ride with free cake, leaving from outside of the Town Hall at 10.00am.
Sunday 28th February 2016 - Members only Sunday Series ride, leaving from outside of the Town Hall at 9.00am. (50 to 55 miles on a mostly flat course)

Monday, 8 February 2016

Weekly Roundup

The blog has been a little quiet of late. Preparation for our first Annual General Meeting on Thursday 18th February 2016, has had to take priority. 

All current members are invited to attend the Hobbes Parlour Room at the Town Hall. The meeting will start promptly at 7.45pm, but please arrive by 7.30pm, so that you can be signed-in and seated.

Howard will be sending out the agenda for the evening, together with our proposed constitution and something completely new; a Code of Conduct to which, all members, if approved, will have to abide. You'll see that there's nothing to concern anyone with the Code of Conduct. It's all common sense, and good practice, which we already follow. So why have one? With a bit of luck it'll never happen, but at some time in the future, we could just be saddled with a troublesome member. A set of club rules would then be a useful tool with which, to expel them. It'll also serve as a handy guide to anyone new to club cycling.

If you haven't already informed Howard of your intention to attend our members only, 4th birthday party on Saturday 27th February 2016, please can you do so, as soon as possible. You'll still be able to ride and claim your free slice of birthday cake, if you don't, but it would be helpful to The Angel Tearooms, Sherston, if they know how many people to expect.

The following day, Sunday 28th February 2016, we'll be staging the next ride in this year's Sunday series. The course, which has yet to be finalised, will be between 50 and 55 miles, and will leave at the earlier time of 9.00am. For those who want one, there will be a coffee stop.

Six members: Howard, Tim H, Mike G, Phil, Steve K and Peter C, took part in January's Sunday series ride on 31st. It might only have been a 40 miler, but there's a tough middle section with a number of back-to-back climbs. The tight right turn by the weir and slog up to the Dumb Post Inn at Bremhill, requires some rapid gear changing and a lot of determination to reach the summit. 

February's ride will concentrate more on distance than difficulty. If you stick with the series, you should be in a good shape to tackle the final 120 mile outing.

The Knight Riders Wednesday evening session continues to attract solid numbers. Last week, as a one-off, we switched to Thursday. Five members: Peter C, Phil, Simon S, Steve K and me (Tim W) were joined by Graham from Sherston Velo's. 

Saturday's diabolical weather decimated the field for the MCCC ride. When I first joined, Howard told me that there might be occasions when I could be the club ride, if no one else turned up. Since that time, I can only recall this happening once, and even then, I had George for company. Together we enjoyed a rain-soaked excursion to the Wickwar Coffee Shop. It's funny how rides undertaken in difficult circumstances, tend stick in the mind. 

Saturday, Peter C had the honour of being the club ride, and to his credit, he did us proud, clocking up 35.3 miles.

Let's hope for some better weather soon!