Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Weekly Chat Wednesday 12th February 2014

The club ride will take place as usual this Saturday. Given the poor weather there isn't a planned route. Instead, one will be agreed on the day based on the prevailing conditions. 

Following the success of the first reliability ride, the next one will be on Sunday 2nd March. The route is already posted on the MCCC website. It would be great to see as many members as possible taking part.

The MCCC blog went viral after some MCCC members took part in the recent Audax UK ride hosted by the Chippenham Wheelers and the Wheelers posted a link to our blog. 

Finally, most people correctly identified the location of the 'No Cycling' sign featured at the top of the report covering the club ride on Saturday 1st February 2014, as being the entrance to the Abbey opposite the Old Bell Hotel. Judging by the appearance of the sign it's been there a while and was presumably erected to address a problem which must have existed. By popular demand I'll put up some more cycling related signs from around the town to test your powers of observation and local knowledge, starting with the one above.

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