Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Early Days February 2012

Malmesbury Clarion Cycling Club is now officially a section of the Nation Clarion Cycling Club. A minimum of 3 members is required and we have five. We exist as a club with our own identity and, at the moment, how we carry on is up to us.

I believe that there are a number of things we need to do. Probably the most boring is to open a bank account. We already have a surplus of £45 but a small amount of expenditure needs to be made; stationary and stamps to send letters to the national body and to print letters onto. I suppose that I may need printing ink at some stage.

Most importantly though, we need to arrange to meet as a club and go for a ride. I hope that in the near future we will meet regularly, even weekly for a Saturday or Sunday ride and how these meetings develop only time will tell. To begin with I have in mind a journey of some 15 miles with a coffee/cake stop at half way where we can have a chat and decide on a few things. This ride could start at 10am or 10.30am, either Saturday or Sunday and expect to be back by lunch time. The ride will take place at the pace of the slowest rider and the course can be extended or shortened as required or as necessary. I am not crazy about cycling in bad weather so I suggest also that we wait until the weather has settled down a bit and it is warmer.

Details of the proposed route will be published at a later date.

All bikes and all riders welcome.


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